Dr Liezel Korf has 30 years of research and assessment experience. She started as a researcher at the HSRC in the psychometric test development section. From there she moved to academia and lectured Research Methodology, Psychometry and Statistics in the Department of Psychology full time for 10 years. Thereafter she started consulting in these areas while still teaching part-time at various institutions. The consultancy has been in operation since 2001. During this time, together with a network of associates, they provided psychometric assessment services to a large number of companies. They also assisted in conducting surveys for various companies, investigating issues such as culture and climate, safety, retention, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.
Liezel Korf Associates has assisted more than 1000 post-graduate students with the statistical analyses for their dissertations.
Dr Liezel Korf is still involved in lecturing and acts as an external examiner and moderator for a number of courses in the fields of Psychology and Industrial Psychology.
“It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics” George Bernard Shaw
Our Clients
Psychometric assessments for:
- KLM Airlines
- PFG Building Glass
- Samancor Ferrochrome
- BAE Systems
- Mercedes Benz
- HIP Housing
- Maksal Tubes
- DPSA (SA Government)
- Professional water management
- Clariant
- SupaQuick
- Ask Afrika
- Hip Housing
- Matla Coal
- Roche Pharmaceuticals
- Kyocera document solutions
- Xstrata
- Bosch
Statistical analysis for surveys performed in:
- Lonmin Platinum
- Angloplatinum
- Samancor Ferrochrome
- Southern Sun
- Transnet
- South African Post Office
- Palama